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Seeking Basic Illustration/Basic Graphic Design instructors

General 'help wanted' and 'for sale' notices minus the ubiquitous 'free kittens' posts.

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  • sara farr Offline
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Seeking Basic Illustration/Basic Graphic Design instructors

Post by sara farr »

Hey you improvisers,

I had this come across my desk at worky-work (ACC|VisCom department). I think improvisers make great teachers, and I know a bunch of you are into Design, so I thought I'd pass this along to you guys. If you live near ELGIN, this may be the job for YOU!


We have posted an opening for new adjunct faculty to teach Basic Illustration and/or Basic Graphic Design at the new Elgin campus, scheduled to open in August.

If you know someone who might be a good candidate to teach these classes in Elgin, please share this link and encourage them to apply before June 21: ... um=1306005

(Successful applicants must meet SACS degree requirements and have at least 3 years documentable non-teaching work experience in visual communications. I'll be happy to answer any questions about this.)

Also, if you have been thinking that you'd really enjoy teaching in a brand-spanking-new campus, a bit away from the bustle of the big city, and you're willing to make the drive to Elgin, please speak up now, before we hire anyone new. The Fall classes meet MW 9-11:40 am and MW 12-2:40 pm.

Where's Elgin? Take a look: