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Bill Binder - Giving Notes (4 of 6)

Discussion of the art and craft of improvisation.

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  • tacotrombone Offline
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Bill Binder - Giving Notes (4 of 6)

Post by tacotrombone »

Original question for reference:
"How do you decide which notes to give and which notes to hold back?"

Bill's reply:
"First the obvious. Beginning students will get kinder notes and broader notes. Advanced students will get more granular notes and more frequent notes because they are better able to process them and less sensitive about receiving them.

I personally am a big fan of sidecoaching during scenes. I know some instructors are not, and I respect their reasoning. To me, it's important for a student to start recognizing their choices in the moment rather than trying to recollect them. It helps them recognize the differences in their brain between making different kinds of choices.

So during scenes, I will give notes that help a student recognize the choices they're making when their relevant to the skill they're working on. That keeps it simple and lets their brains make those connections. If there's a note on some completely off topic thing. I might mention it after the fact but not dwell on it. If you start giving notes on everything, the important stuff gets wiped out.

As to the emotional impact of notes, I think the above holds true as well. Giving notes on the skill at hand is almost always welcome as people are struggling to learn a new thing and understand that you're trying to get them over a hump. Offering a laundry list of notes after each scene that are on different topics can be discouraging.

Of course, that's when something pops up randomly. Of course, if you see a trend forming with a student bring it to their attention, and then offer some exercises or ideas that might help them.

Finally, you will see students who are not your own. They will respect you as a teacher even if you're not their teacher. That said, if you see something that needs to be called out, I'd recommend asking their permission to give a note. They'll almost always say yes, but it shows respect for them as a performer and puts them in control of the situation."
"Music throws you back into your body like organic food or heroine." -- William Matthews

"The consequence of joy is a good show." -- Susan Messing