Church of the D-Vine RACKET (with guests!) September/Saturdays/8pm/TheInstitution.*
RACKET** and Simply D-Vine*** are hosting other equally awesome, equally insane music-sound-improv mashup-shenanigans;**** first guest out of the gate is The Masterpiece!*****
That's right folks, three sets of sound and fury and joy and delight all in one sleek, sporty package. Hope to see you there!
* For the organized planners hiding among the improvisers, get your tickets here.
** Sarah Marie Curry, Jono Gray, Brandon Roesler, Chad Wellington, and buckets of noisy things (well, they're noisy once we get our hands on them) bust improv open like a piñata and play with the neat toys that fall out.
*** Deano Jones, Jason Vines, and Ammon Taylor put together a go-nuts musical with no holds barred. It makes me a sad panda that I'm probably missing all of these because we're warming up during their set. Tragedy!
**** I found a game! Have you spotted it?
***** Jay Byrd, Patrick Knisley, and Ammon Taylor play a nonstop scene-and-music highway. It's like an improv musical road trip but you can go to the bathroom whenever you want.
RACKET and D-Vine with guests in September
Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever
A new Saturday approaches with a new guest mashup for Church of the D-Vine RACKET: SHUT UP & SING!
It's mime work. It's singing. And nothing but. Well, except the piano. Unless Ammon is singing and miming and improvising too. Which would be totally awesome. But unlikely.
Lovingly constructed by Jay Byrd, Sarah Marie Curry, Aden Kirschner, Lindsey Reeves, Asaf Ronen, and Ammon Taylor
It's mime work. It's singing. And nothing but. Well, except the piano. Unless Ammon is singing and miming and improvising too. Which would be totally awesome. But unlikely.
Lovingly constructed by Jay Byrd, Sarah Marie Curry, Aden Kirschner, Lindsey Reeves, Asaf Ronen, and Ammon Taylor
All aboard for the last train to the Simply D-Vine RACKET! Today (or, well, time in the past if you don't check the forums regularly yet. Hi! Welcome to the family. May your stay be pleasant. I hope you don't have any other hobbies)!
Our last show features the triumphal return of Shut Up & Sing. See above.
Our last show features the triumphal return of Shut Up & Sing. See above.