happywaffle wrote:
As to color, Jay might be delicately asking why there aren't more black imps. I don't know, but I want more of 'em! I love the ones we've got, and I love diversity onstage (of skin color, but more importantly, of life experience).
Everyone would agree there's a disproportionate number of white guys in almost any kind of setting like this. Improv. Theater. Film. Congress.
Austin is actually doing pretty good compared to say... Los Angeles.
I've talked to folks about this over the past two years. Most recently Andrew Wesley cornered me about it and it forced me to flesh out & solidify my theory. I call the theory the
Ten White Guys and the One Hot Chick theory.
It boils down to In-Groups and Social Dynamics.
Social dynamics. Nobody is actively turning gays and minorities away. But it just happens that it's harder to make them feel included when a certain in-crowd already exists. Fair?
Example. You might play Dungeons and Dragons on the weekends. You might have a pool party. While you are not actively excluding ANY type of person you are probably more prone to invite a classmate who is similar to you. Has similar tastes.
Hence Ten White Guys happens naturally.
Why the Hot Chick?
Because the Hot Chick can adapt the easiest to this in-group. She will be invited back, not just once- but over and over again. She is able to "stick" with the in-group. Whereas other types of folks are constantly bouncing in and out of the in-group due to the risk of feeling excluded.
Ten White Guys and One Hot Chick. I don't mean the "Chick" part to be derogatory, I built the idea off an already existing trope.
If you can build a smaller in-group that is more culturally represented you will
speak to those people who normally wouldn't dive into the perceived risks of fitting in with 300 white guys. A hispanic person would feel a little more inspired to take an improv class after seeing a "Shades of Brown" or "Delta Burka" show compared to a Ten White Guys show. In fact I've seen this happen. They might sign up because the idea of playing with that in-group has tremendously lowered their psychological risk of feeling isolated or excluded.
"I don't get it. He was taking classes and one day he just stopped showing up."
It happens. The best idea is not to be PC about it. Or act like it's even a thing by putting the "token" minority guy on display. Doing so adds a dis-genuine layer to it and even more pressure.
About eight months ago there was a group of four black guys who kept coming back over and over again for the Level Zero Class. Literally every week they would be there playing the same games and pretending to learn the same basics. They would help newcomers along through the games. This went on for eight weeks. They were practically teaching others improv and were totally in love with the form. I wanted so badly for those guys to sign up for classes but I also didn't want to be the politically correct white guy encouraging them for the wrong reasons. "Hey guys I want you to sign up so we have less white guys scaring people away." See I never said that.
Instead I asked them what their situation was and encouraged them to take the class. But ultimately I think they had time management & financial issues.
If only I had invited them to come play Dungeons and Dragons.