I know I haven't been an active part of the improv community here forever (and was really mostly just a recidivist student for years) but I still think you all are a great group of people -- and once an improviser, always an improviser, right?
So, I am exercising my "usta-be" status to post this here.
Anyone up for a road trip to Alaska this May?
I am going back up to Alaska (Denali National Park) in May, to work for the summer. It's a great drive but very expensive to do solo, not to mention time-consuming. Which is why I've flown the other times I've gone (with one ride-share back down the Al-Can once, great trip).
But -- I'd really like to have my car there this year. I could just bite the bullet and do all 4500 miles on my own, but I'd rather:
- find a sane, easy-going, generally balanced person* who wanted to do a fast-ish, direct, but not butt-numbingly grueling drive up with me and share driving and expenses and very low-cost places to stay (camping, occasional inexpensive motels),
* yes I realize I am talking about improvisers here, some of whom know me, too, so take that description with a grain of salt
- find an extremely responsible person/pair of people with good references and even better driving abilities and even BETTER karmic vibes who wants to drive my car up to Alaska for me (I would fly). If you have ever thought about just hopping in a car and setting out on a meandering road trip through the beautiful parks and funky little towns of the Lower 48, then following the Alaska-Canada Highway as you watch the days get longer and longer... stopping at hot springs... watching the buffalo along the road... caribou, coyotes, bears... here's your chance! My car is even a Subaru Outback so when you get to Alaska you will blend right in (except my windshield is not cracked, and the car still has all its parts on it).
Driving solo, I'd have to leave May 2 to ensure I'm there for my May 14th check-in day. If I had a rider, we could leave a little later to get through the lower 48 more quickly. The Alcan just takes as long as it does... If you want to drive the car up there yourself, I am a little more flexible on the dates. I'd want it there by mid-late June,.
I'm also trying craigslist for this but wanted to put it out here, too. Feel free to forward the info to anyone you know who may be interested. If I end up in touch with someone I don't know personally, I'll use my spidey sense as well as reference checking etc., (especially if they head off with my car and a bunch of my stuff!) so I would never ask you to vouch for anyone else.
(If I rode with another improviser we could make up our own songs or stories until we couldn't stand it/each other... and then that's what mp3 players are for.)
best to email me directly at csperber@prismnet.com, but I will try to remember to check PMs here, too.
Texas to Alaska?
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