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Spin the Bottle and more at the Free Fringe on 3/22/2012

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  • Roy Janik Offline
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Spin the Bottle and more at the Free Fringe on 3/22/2012

Post by Roy Janik »

Here's the crazy plan for The Free Fringe tonight:

Spin the Bottle, produced by Jason Vines

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the best.

8 improvisers get in a circle on stage and play “spin the bottle”.
The spinner and the spinnee then do a scene that must include a kiss. When that scene is over…
Spin again!

starring: Jason Vines, Dana Yanoshak, Andreas Fabis, Ruby Willman, Luke Wallens, Ryan Austin, Kayla Lane Freeman, Heidi Rogers, Sam Schak

Google Chat Scene, produced by Ruby Willmann

Four improvisers, connected only through a google chat room, will perform a monoscene like no other.

The google chat will be projected on the screen – three of the four improvisers will be on stage at their own computers – one will be in New York City. Together they will join forces to create a never before scene technological attempt of a monoscene. Want to learn more? Just google “awesome.”

Firth & Arjet
Firth&Arjet present their new format: Tomboys

It can be tough growing up as a girl who prefers trucks over dolls, getting dirty over being pretty, and adventure over politeness. It’s a lot easier with a friend who likes that stuff just as much as you. They might get into trouble but that won’t stop them, even as they get older.
“The show was original, interesting, and hilarious. I’d book them again anytime.” – Yvonne Landry, Theater Owner / Festival Producer, New Orleans
PGraph plays every Thursday at 8pm!