I guess my main point was underlined in the article that Brockman linked: "We can make corporations more responsible to the public good by amending the law that says the pursuit of profit takes precedence over the public interest."York99 wrote: Marc, what I'm saying is that there are two problems here. The US law is a problem, but changing that probably wouldn't do much. All it would do would be to take the ethical cover away from companies going overseas. But they would probably still do it for competitive reasons. The fact is that labor in other countries is cheaper. It's cheaper because those workers don't demand the high standards of American workers. And until they do or until there is something else (tariffs? embargoes? lower US worker standards? higher foreign worker standards?) that makes keeping these jobs in the US a benefit to the corporations, there's nothing to change the current trends.
You're absolutely right, there are multiple problems, only some of which fall under the reach of our laws here, but even though amending those laws won't flat-out solve anything, it's certainly a positive step.