York99 wrote:Like nearly all progressive ideas, the way to make it work is to prove economic benefit...
Proponents need to table arguments like the huge number of people we have in prison in this country and the personal freedom of live and let live, not telling people what they can and can't do. Proponents need to focus instead on how much money we can save and how much tax revenue we can gain through decriminalization. Period.
Yah, but we've had this information for decades. Read Mike Gray's "Drug Crazy" sometime - or hell, read Bloom County when the Bill and Opus '88 campaign gets a contribution from "Drug Pushers and Affiliated Scum" with a note saying "Keep those coke prices shored up or we'll shoot you".
The pro-drug war types have sounded like Reagan without a teleprompter for years. I'm not sure economic hardship is going to make them see sense. It's going to take a massive (and loud) public opinion shift so the politicians in favor of sustaining the "drug war" realize their position is costing them significant amounts of votes.