Kayte VanScoy, a native Austinite & sometime New Yorker who has worked in media for the past 20 years, is holding a benefit to raise money for her medical costs.
On Saturday, July 2 from 2pm to 10pm we’re staging a variety show with improv, comedy, and music, along with a silent auction. We’re hoping you’d like to perform!
Here’s what happened: on April 21, 2011, she was taking a leisurely walk to the park when a weak ankle wobbled & she fell forward onto her left arm, destroying all the soft & bony structures in her elbow. So far, she's had an ambulance ride, ER visit, two surgeries, a five-day hospital stay, &, of course numerous doctor visits... all without insurance. There will be more costs to come as she currently has an external fixator on the elbow until mid-June and physical therapy afterward to get back some use of the arm.
Here are the slots she's trying to fill for the event:
2-2:30: kids’ music/performers
2:30-3: kids’ music/performers or (kid-ok) stand-up/acoustic
3-3:30: kids’ music/performers or (kid ok) stand-up/sketch/improv
3:30-4: stand-up/sketch/improv/acoustic
4-4:30: stand-up/sketch/improv
4:30-5: stand-up/sketch/improv/acoustic
5-5:30: stand-up/sketch/improv
5:30-6: stand-up/sketch/improv/acoustic
6-7: rock band
7-8: rock band/stand-up
8-9: rock band/stand-up
9-10: rock band
We’re open to all sorts of performance. We’ll need at least one emcee, too. It might be a good opportunity to workshop a new bit or some new songs or to put together a one-time supergroup. We’re just trying to give folks a reason to come & stay for a bit to donate & bid on the silent auction. The event will most likely be held at The Art Pad on Burnet Road near 45th St. in Austin.
Please be in touch & let us know if you’re interested & what you might need to make your performance a reality. More time? Lights? Green apples on sticks? Just let us know and let’s see what we can make happen. AND PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!
How to reach Kayte: 512-380-0843 or kaytevanscoy@gmail.com or via Facebook. Here is the link for the Facebook posting: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=gro ... 6405124374
Improvisers/Performers Wanted - Benefit Event, 7/2 2pm-10pm
Upcoming casting calls, auditions, and tryouts.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever
Thanks, menelaos!
Awesome! Thanks! Just let me know what time-slot you guys would like. I'll let Kayte know about the photography bits for the auction. Thanks again!
Thanks, Alex
Sorry about that, Alex! I'll touch bases with Kayte on that. Did you have a question I could help you with or were you wanting a specific timeslot? Let me know and I'll make note of that... and thanks most of all for your interest!
Awesome - Thanks Alex!
Fabulous! Thanks so much!
Hey menelaos - Just Checking In
*** Good morning, menelaos! Just checking in with you to see what slot would work for you for the 7/2 event. If you've already contacted Kayte with the info on timeslot and photo, awesome. If not, feel free to respond here and I'll pass that along.menelaos wrote:I would be more than happy to assist. I'll talk to the guys on thursday and see what slot we could book for an improv show.
Also, I would gladly donate one of my framed pieces of photography work for the auction.
Hi Roanna.
It slipped my mind to ask the team on Thursday, so I emailed them all the following morning. A couple have already replied that they are willing and available. Waiting for the other 3 to get back to me. Latest you'll hear from me will be tuesday morning, as we have another rehearsal on monday night.
It slipped my mind to ask the team on Thursday, so I emailed them all the following morning. A couple have already replied that they are willing and available. Waiting for the other 3 to get back to me. Latest you'll hear from me will be tuesday morning, as we have another rehearsal on monday night.
Unfortunately, most cast members are not available that day. Sorry. :S
If you find yourself getting closer to the time and not filling the slots, send me a message and I'll try to push some people your way. At the end of the day, I can gather 4-5 people that I often play with and we'll put something fun together.
I'm still down to donate the photo for the auction. Let me know how we can coordinate that.
If you find yourself getting closer to the time and not filling the slots, send me a message and I'll try to push some people your way. At the end of the day, I can gather 4-5 people that I often play with and we'll put something fun together.
I'm still down to donate the photo for the auction. Let me know how we can coordinate that.