Regarding the draft and other jams: I find I'm apprehensive the first time I step onstage in a particular week. But the second and third time - I have pushed through that apprehension. It may be a matter of momentum in other words. So these types of student shows are godsends for multiple reasons.B. Tribe wrote:I had the luxury of being in The Draft during Level 1 and then joining Achatina shortly thereafter. I was able to use what I had learned in class on stage almost immediately. I never got intimidated by the audience; lack of stage fright from years of doing theatre will do that.
Not to mention... watching "star students" jump onstage night after night will serve to inspire & push you past your fears. The I want to do that mentality can be infinitely invaluable.
So watch a lot of shows, obviously. Gain momentum & tell yourself you can do it. It's not a super power, it's a skill!