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Romance on-stage

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Post by Rev. Jordan T. Maxwell »

kaci_beeler wrote:It's very easy for me to get swept away in the moment onstage. I have loved so deeply that it's been hard to shake the feeling when I get offstage later. Maybe that sounds weird but it's easy for me to lose myself on occasion.
this, i totally get. especially in scripted work, i have to make sure i'm making a mental delineation between my emotions and the characters...because on that basic emotional level, it all feels the same. which is one of the reasons i never ask a girl out if we're doing a show together. it's too easy to confuse the love my character is feeling for their character with any genuine emotional interest on my part. improv provides an interesting conundrum within that, because you spend less time with those characters in prepartion (none) and performance (once)...but if you're in that zone of total emotional commitment and engagement, the feelings can be just as real. so you almost have to be warier in those situations once the show is done or things can get confusing real fast. lol!
Sweetness Prevails.

-the Reverend
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