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Audition Monologue Master Class

Classes, training, and other opportunities for artistic and professional development.

Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever

Audition Monologue Master Class

Post by Brand New Theatre Co. »

Brand New Theatre Co. - Winter Workshop Series
January Workshop: Audition Monologue Master Class

Coming to Austin, Tx -January 22nd - 1pm to 3pm
The Hideout Theater
617 Congress Ave. 78701

Preparing an audition monologue?
Applying for Drama school?

Preparing a monologue for any type of audition can be stressful. BNTC’s Audition Monologue Master Classes are designed to give students the opportunity to ask questions and gain insight about the audition process. The sessions also guide actors through Mike Alfred’s technique of “actioning the text.” This technique gives monologues a dynamic edge that is sure to make an impact in the audition room. Reply to this post or email us to request more info.

Tuition: $75
Student Discount: $7.50 off/person
Group Discount: $7.50 off/person (groups of 5+)
Early Enrolment Discount: $5 off/person (enrolment form and tuition must be received 7 days before the date of the class)

About the Brand New Theater Co.

The Brand New Theatre Co. is dedicated to training actors, developing playwrights and producing both new and improvised theatre throughout the US and the UK. Artistic Director, Kara Saunders, has worked in American theatre for over a decade. She trained at one of London’s top drama schools (University of London, Central School of Speech and Drama) where she earned a distinction for her graduate work in Actor Training and Coaching.
Brand New Theatre Co.