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Re: December 5th Fancy Pants!

Alex Addison!!!

Hideout Graduate
Maestro Raw a few times!
Fancy Pants, one time!

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - November 29th

Alex Addison.

I'd love to TECH!

Hideout graduate.
Some of the Hideout Jams on light and sound board.

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - September 27th

I want to play!!!

Alex Addison

Hideout graduate
Fancy Pants
maestro Raw a few times

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - September 20th

I'm down to play!!

Alex Addison

Hideout graduate
Maestro raw a few times.
Fancy Pants

Re: September 5th Fancy Pants!

Wait. Something work related came up Friday so it's a no go for me.

Can't figure out how to delete post.
So yeah, nevermind, sorry.

Re: September 5th Fancy Pants!

I want to play!!!

Alex Addison

Hideout recent graduate
Played In Maestro Raw 3 times
Fancy Pants once before

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - September 6th

I want to play!!

Alex Addison

Achievements unlocked:
Hideout graduate
Maestro raw 3 times
Fancy Pants
Maestro workshop

Re: 10pm Maestro - August 16th

I'd love to play or tech!

Hideout Level six!
Fancy Pants
Maestro Work Shop

Alex Addison

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - July 19th

Hey yo!

Alex Addison
I'd love to play or tech this week!!

Level Six student
A couple of Maestro Raws
Fancy Pants.
Maestro workshop

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - July 12th

I'd love to play or tech!

Practiced with board at Maestro workshop.
Level Six @ Hideout.
Fancy Pants and Maestro Raw.

Re: 10pm Maestro - June 28th

I would like to to go ahead and say that I'd love to tech for the NEXT Maestro. After the June 28th....I'm already scheduled to work that night.

I've Practiced with the maestro workshop in the Upstairs theatre. Only real qualification, haha
Alex addison


Probably too late but what the hell.

Alex Addison
Near level 5 graduate @ The Hideout.

Re: 10pm MARATHON MAESTRO - 10pm!

Totally signing up!

Alex Addison
Level 5 with Andy.
Level 1-3 with Jessica.
Done Maestro Raw once.
Hideout Barista.

I'm going to be doing the overnight for the marathon so after the show (1:30 am-8 am)
....I'll be at the hideout for about 11 hours...

Totally down.

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - May 3rd

YES! Maestro RAWW. (finally not working on a Saturday!)

Alex Addison

Completing Level 4 at The Hideout!