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plates/utensils/napkins or a cheese/meat tray?

Sublet end of August to Jan 2013

Maggie Maye and I are looking for someone to sublet a room beginning 08.27.12 (it might be available as early as the 20th). Location: near Kramer & N. Lamar. The room is $305/month + 1/3 utilities + $40 app fee. You would share a bathroom. There is already a dog in the house, and she's super chill ...

Roommate Wanted

I'm looking to rent out a bedroom at my place as soon as possible. If you're interested, let me know!

You get a bedroom and a bathroom for $300/month + 1/2 utilities. I have a 2 story duplex near Springdale & MLK with a back yard.

I have a small dog who will probably not do well with other ...

I'm signing up! P.S. Jessica: it was super fun to meet you for realsies this weekend! :-)

Roommate Wanted

I'm moving in July/no later than August 1 and am in the market for a roommate. I have a small dog, and I don't think he'd be good with other animals. I'm looking for houses/duplexes, and will hopefully have something solid in the next couple of weeks. Let me know if you're interested and I can send ...

if you are still looking for people, i can be a people.

Hi actn23, please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your improv experience. Welcome!

Hey, sorry, it's Ashley Nugent. Of Golden Girls and Tender Nightmare and Discomfort Trumpet and formerly NorthShore Local and Stool Pigeon ...

if you are still looking for people, i can be a people.

OoB West place to crash

Hey there. So, I just posted my blurb in the introductions, if you need to know who I am. Anyway, I wanted to offer my place to stay for those of you coming out of OoB West. My roommate and I live in the valley near the border of Burbank and Glendale, and we can house up to 5 people pretty ...


I'm an improviser formerly from Phoenix, currently in Los Angeles, futurely in Austin. I've met lots of you before through OoB (minigolf: kid sister hole 2 yrs ago, trick shot hole last year), Coldtowne, and other festivals. Anyway, hello! I'm offering my place as housing for OoB West at the end of ...