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Soooooo late but I'd love to play with some pants on! yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-Craig McGreggor
Hideout 1-7
Merlin Works Singing 101-201
Hideout Singing B_Nat/B_Flat
Institution 201
All those shows students generally can get in


Craig McGreggor
I love FancyPants and haven't been in one for many months! I will sing in my scenes if I must.

Hideout Lvl1-7
MerlinWorks Singing 1-201
Hideout Music Flat/Natural
Maestro/Previous FPs/Other random stuff/fringes :)

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - November15th

Craig McGreggor
Hideout 1-7
B Flat
Merlin Works Singing
Previous Maestro's.

I'd love a warm up that involves eye contact or something very connecting (mirror game?) OR convergence!

PS I did also submit for Maestro @ 10PM. Is there a rule about double dipping? I just want to show my availability ...

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - September 20th

I would love re spark things with a little Maestro Raw!

Craig McGreggor
Hideout Grad
Merlin Works Singing
Hideout B Flat

Re: 6pm Maestro RAW - July 19th

Craig McGreggor
I would like to play with yall! No tech since I won't be available next weekend.

Hideout 1-7
B Minor
Merlin Works Sing 101 and 202
PGRAPH Narrative Intensive

Re: Maestro July 5th!

I'm available to play! I did tech this past weekend (28th).

Craig McGreggor
Hideout 1-7 and B Flat (current)
Merlin Works Singing 101 & 201

Re: 10pm Maestro - June 28th

I'd love to be in a Maestro or tech!

Craig McGreggor
Hideout Lvl 1-7
Merlin Works Singing 101 201
Pgraph Narrative Intensive

Re: 10pm Maestro - June 28th

I'd love to be in a Maestro or tech!

Craig McGreggor
Hideout Lvl 1-7
Merlin Works Singing 101 201
Pgraph Narrative Intensive

Re: 10pm Maestro - May 31st

I'd like to play, tech, watch!
(I have an intern shift it 8....will that conflict w warm ups?)
Craig McGreggor
Hideout 1-6 currently in 7
Merlin Singing 101 and 201
Pgraph Narrative Intensive.
Previous MaestroR, FancyP, and a TheatreP

Re: 10pm Maestro - May 31st

I'd like to play, tech, watch!
(I have an intern shift it 8....will that conflict w warm ups?)
Craig McGreggor
Hideout 1-6 currently in 7
Merlin Singing 101 and 201
Pgraph Narrative Intensive.
Previous MaestroR, FancyP, and a TheatreP

Re: 10pm Maestro - May 31st

I'd like to play, tech, watch!
(I have an intern shift it 8....will that conflict w warm ups?)
Craig McGreggor
Hideout 1-6 currently in 7
Merlin Singing 101 and 201
Pgraph Narrative Intensive.
Previous MaestroR, FancyP, and a TheatreP

Re: Maestro RAW - May 31st

I'd like to play, tech, watch!
(Note: I have intern shift at 8, will timing conflict?)

Craig McGreggor
Hideout 1-6 currently in 7
Merlin Singing 101 and 201
Pgraph Narrative Intensive.
Previous MaestroR, FancyP, and a TheatreP


It's always a good time for some pants!

Craig McGreggor
Hideout 1-6
Merlin Works Singing 101 - 201

Re: BB Maestro - April 19th

El estudiante Craig McGreggor!!!
I can wear a wig and LadyBug it through the show....

Hideout Lvls 1-6
Merling Works Singing 101-201
Meastro RAW, Fancy Pants,

***You can throw me down for teching also***

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

I'd like to get fancy!

Craig McGreggor
Hideout I-VI Talking Improv
Merlin Works I Singing Improv