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Oops! I knew I couldn't post a perfect casting call! That would make the play a bit more interesting.... Alas the sentence was mearly describing a pulpy heist story full of drama, action, and humor which will titillate the senses and boggle the mind!

Come be a part of it! Come see it in July! You ...

Casting for ACC Student Play Festival

Casting for leading and supporting roles in student written play, Careful as Mice, A pulpy melodrama that proves hell hath no furry like a woman scorned. 6 weeks of rehearsal. Improvised theatre experience preferred. No pay, except in friendship.

Seeking a Male actor age 20-30 for the character of ...

That was one of the nicest jams I've been to in a while. Honestly I was kind of worried about going last night after avoiding it for the last few months. The energy tended to lean toward the hectic stressful side, at least from my perspective, and led to a less than spectacular evening. Whatever ...

Oo, that sounds great. I've been itching to see an improvised musical, and an evil one at that. Exciting! I'll absolutely be there.

Whoa I was not ready for that man to start talking out of my computer. What is it with Texas and cowboys giving friendly advice.. Did you go to the meeting?

Hi, nice to meet you.

I just found this 'introductions' section after being signed up on here for a week. My name is Sally. A few months ago I was in the hideout waiting in line to get a cup o' joe and dressed like a flash back from the 40s, as I tend to do... I guess I looked artsy or nice or something because instead ...