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Re: 1st Ever Improv Festival in San Diego Accepting Applicat

Bump! Submissions due January 12th. The organizer told me she is really looking for some out-of-town guests.

Happy holidays!

1st Ever Improv Festival in San Diego Accepting Applications

Hello AIC!

My friend Amy Lisewski opened up an improv theater in San Diego called "Finest City Improv." She is hosting the first ever improv festival in this city in February and is looking for submissions.

You can submit through the National Improv Network here: http://www.nationalimprovnetwork ...

Re: Creating New Formats

Thanks everyone!

Creating New Formats

Hello AIC!

I am coaching a team here, and so far have taught them various forms: deconstruction, living room, Armando, the Harold, and the basics of narrative.

I want to now enable them to create their own form and wanted to see if anyone had any insight on a process / method they use for doing ...

Re: Will someone PUHleez....!

...put more Prince songs on this Prince Pandora station!

Re: Craig Cackowski -- "Sustaining a Scene"

Thanks for this, Joshua!

Competition is good

Hello AIC,

This has some San Diego-specific things in it, but Austin is mentioned as a city where people can play at multiple theaters, and how awesome that is. The author might have heard that from a little birdie...

It echoes some of the ideas Jill laid out in her brilliant FB note.

http ...

Re: Fee for coaching

Ratliff: I'm charging you for the hundreds of hours I've spent learning, watching, performing, and thinking about improv.

I think I'm going to try and calculate this as a fun exercise. Also, how much $ I've spent.

Money spent (ticket prices + classes + workshops + Gas money to LA) DIVIDED BY ...

Re: Fee for coaching

Some people want a task master, some want a teacher.

I think a big part of it is just the desire to coach and teach. You can TA at a theater or give feedback to a new team, and if you enjoy that side of improv, you do it more and more. Then, you come back to this forum question.

Re: Are you reading this while living outside Austin?

Definitely still reading --getting advice and inspiration!

Fee for coaching

I want to offer some "diagnostic" type coaching in town, and I feel/want/need/consider that I can charge for it.

This got me discussing "what am I worth?" "How much can I charge?"

In searching the forum, some do a "pay what you want" which is pyschologically interesting. I know in general we used ... ... go-to-them
This was a great follow up article I found.

Play play play get better get better have more fun have more fun.

Chris George is awesome! He has been showing me around the San Diego scene. He's great at short and long form improv, and hey, he's an all around nice guy. Give him a chance if there's an open slot! I am so happy I had an excuse to post on this forum category again. ;)

EDIT: Chris George is ...

Thanks! Good stuff!!