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Re: Thinking of you guys

Was thinking of you the other day as I walked by the State. Would love to do another Drum Machine show or workshop with you sometime. I miss that magic. Are you looking at coming to OOB this year?

Drop me a line sometime. Best -MPB

Re: Signs the AIC is growing really big, really fast

Do a show with the troupe you started with. Realize none of the players were at your audition.

Re: Signs the AIC is growing really big, really fast

Asaf don't recognize most of the names.
Variation on the theme:

Go away for a little while. Come back. Scan a few Maestro cast lists. Recognize maybe two or three names... :?

Re: Well

Ryan Hill wrote:Jordan resurrects old forum threads when he's bored.
So does Brockman. He was re-reading this and couldn't stop laughing.

Transubstantiation makes everything 18 (14 in Germany). :shock:

Jordan wins.

Re: Group Think: Is there an official definition?

What if there was like digital evidence of these types of behaviors somewhere?

Tell me you're being sarcastic.

"Groupthink" doesn't have to conjure up the extremes of Nanking, My Lai, Nazism, Jonestown et al . One can see evidence of unanimity of opinion, interpersonal pressure, self-censorship ...

Re: Is there an Austin style of improv yet?

Yah, so this is an old thread - but...

Observing the imps that I'm working with from Chicago and L.A., the things that set Austin apart are scenework and longform.

We're more in the Del Close "improv is art unto itself" rather than the Bernie Sahlins' "improv is the means to a sketch" mold.

I ...

Re: No-one will ever believe me again...

Typing from aboard the Gem. Just passing Atlantic City. NYC in the AM. Expensive internet time - even for those of us who work here.

Am I writing in very short sentences to save time? Yes.

First week down. All shows went well. I'm not sure I've ever been thrown into the company of 5 strangers plus ...

Re: No-one will ever believe me again...

One seriously grueling week in Chicago down. We fly to NY in the morning and tomorrow night I'll be sleeping on the NCL Gem.

Damn, this has been some hard work. Miss y'all.

Re: No-one will ever believe me again...

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Second City NCL Gem Cast.

As always - follow along at or become a FB fan and I think FB shoots you updates when I post. Or whatever it ...

Re: No-one will ever believe me again...

One more thing. Does anyone know any of these people?

Lee Barats
Timmy Hart Barron
Blair Beeken
Marcy Minton
Chad Reinhart

These are my castmates and I don't know a thing about any of them except that Marcy was on "Scrubs" once.

Booker, I'm looking at you.

Re: No-one will ever believe me again...

Oh, and special thanks to Ratliff who put the bug in my ear years ago and Dave Buckman who really pitched me. You guys kick ass.

No-one will ever believe me again...

...when I say I'm home in Austin to stay.

Some of you won't care about this (so skip to the next post), but for those who do the forum is the easiest way to reach y'all and word of mouth would probably be too slow since this is coming up fast.

I have been offered, and accepted, the position of ...

Re: Peer Approval and/or Audience Approval? Who to believe?

When a musician plays to an audience that doesn't respond, we at least consider the possibility that the music was good but it wasn't the right audience.

Yeah we do. Let's face it - audiences can be godawful. Chuy's, "Dance, monkey", simply doesn't always apply. To use an over-the-top example; Yo ...

Re: Peer Approval and/or Audience Approval? Who to believe?

When a musician plays to an audience that doesn't respond, we at least consider the possibility that the music was good but it wasn't the right audience.

Yeah we do. Let's face it - audiences can be godawful. Chuy's, "Dance, monkey", simply doesn't always apply. To use an over-the-top example; Yo ...

Re: Stepping in from the wings!

Love the Janice avatar! Welcome.

(Hmmm... makes me want to go out and look for a Rowlf to replace my green dinosaur)