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Casting for film geek

We are working on a pitch for a talk show based on movie reviews, releases, and industry activity and we need a co-host.

The on camera talent must be comfortable and conversational on camera,
but their real people talent needs to be that of über knowledgeable
movie person, someone that can talk ...

Good god damn it's Jules' b-day

today's her day - my criminal partner, commandante of my heart, mother of my chillen. Give that MIF some love if you see her this week. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

Man, this thread has crazy eyes. Why would any woman want to be a lineman and end up braindamaged with small testicles? Athletic freaks are the shit, but all I care about is whether people can do stuff that really matters, like running the country, making tofu dogs, pole dancing, shooting an M16 ...

Discount electronics, that place on Anderson, usually has a few Macs for what seemed ultra-cheap - G4s I think. I can't speak for the quality, though.

I know Erin, too, she is in my department (parttime, I think). This damn town....

I'm addicted with risking failure in improv by wanting to try out new formats unrehearsed and doing wild things to inform characters. I always want to go to the absolute edge of my abilities and then a little farther and I'm totally OK with falling on my face in front of friends and audiences so ...

Hang in there, deroos! Interesting that we're having similar experiences even though our fields are so different. There's no way I can be judged "wrong" in the way an experiment or proof might be. I can definitely misrepresent my findings or make logical errors and I will be judged on the "elegance ...

one more thought...

It's not fair to put all of this on parents. I was watching Mr. Rogers (r.i.p.) with the kids for a few minutes this morning and that show is a long sloppy kiss of self-esteem talk. I loved Mr. Rogers when I was a kid. Loved. He was my Neighbor. Flattery like that works really well for TV in general ...

scholar shmscholar.
that didn't work very well.
I found the NYMag article pretty convicing. I agree a lot with what Andrea said about being a skillful operator in the institution of school - or most any institution, actually - that does rigorous hierarchy and testing. A few days ago I livejournaled ...

Improv: We're just a bunch of bastards.

Bastards need public arts funding, too.

Sorry I lost track of this thread - great job, Wes. I agree with some other comments that getting political won't win the big audience today or tomorrow, but being part of what the local arts community sees as "the ...

That dude from Austin360 that was there for '.speak' night has his pics posted here: ... towne.html
nice pic Jastow!
and Justin...
and Brother Ratliff...
and and and

City of Austin 'cultural assets' meetings

Four public hearings next weekend. The peeps in the rooms that makes the decisions. Get improv in there! Read on:

"Participate in Austin's Cultural Planning

Over the next year, there will be numerous opportunities for people to
contribute their voice, vision, values and ideas about the future ...

Dallas v Seattle has created a family crisis as I've always held a delicate balance of nfl/family loyalties between the two. Not that either team deserves to move on. Can they both lose? If anybody is having a watching party for lame teams let me know....

Thanks everybody for making it over to Chez Lucas for H.O.D. hijinks.
Happy 2007!

"There are plenty of funny women, way more than there used to be, but as a rule women are not as funny as men. The reasons are simple, and fairly boring. Hitchens quotes at length from a Stanford University study that proves conclusively that women don't respond to punch lines as enthusiastically as ...