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Free Moving Boxes

If you need a lot of bankers boxes for moving IM me.

Re: 10pm Maestro - October 25th

Topping Haggerty
Level Black Belt
Favorite Warm-Up: Word at a time story

Live Rude Puppet Sketch Show Auditions!

'BatShyt Crazy Live Rude Puppets' is a puppet sketch comedy show written by, and will be directed by, Topping Haggerty and performed at The Institution Theater.

All interested parties please apply. Previous sketch and puppet experience are a plus, but in no way a requirement. And...if you are ...

Re: Maestro - April 26th!

I'd like to play!

Re: Maestro - March 1st

I'd like to play if they're is still room!

Kodak Printer - Ink Cartridges - free

Does anyone need a bunch of brand new Kodak ESP 5200 Series printer ink cartridges?

I've got a bunch I don't need (4 - 10C, 3 - 10B).

IM me if you want them.

Re: Maestro! Sept 21st!

I'd like to play!

Performed from San Francisco to NYC, from Argentina to Finland.
Studied at UCB, BATS, Second City NYC, etc., etc., etc.

Re: No more shall I lurk in the dark forest of anonymity...

Greetings, Mike. Welcome!

Re: Name our Fundraiser


Re: Audition for Video Short - Fifi & Mr. Pickles - May 4th

Yes, they are actual lap dogs. Minimal costumes, bejeweled collars and ears will be provided. They will be in their fancy carrying purses (I am building giant versions of said purses/carrying bags). It will be humans playing dogs (I'm not trying to hide that) so not huge transforming make-up.

Re: Audition for Video Short - Fifi & Mr. Pickles - May 4th

Pump. (and, fyi, you guys are hilarious...just sayin'...)

Audition for Video Short - Fifi & Mr. Pickles - May 4th

Greetings All,

I am shooting a video short 'Fifi & Mr. Pickles', on Saturday, May 4th, and am holding 'video' auditions for the short. It will be shot on green-screen in a garage in Pflugerville.

Title: Fife & Mr. Pickles
Written & Directed by: Topping Haggerty
Non-union/Non-Paid - and no travel ...

Re: Maestro February 2 - with Andy!

Me please like to play yes.

I would love to get my fancy sing on.

Greetings and salutations, Craig. Welcome, welcome.