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Ya beat me to it!

smerlin -

Thanks so much for posting this! I was just about to post it myself and then...

and ZARZAMORA! (I'm not cool enough to know how to make upside down exclamation points) we got your submission! You were first to submit so your prize is that you get to wait longest to find out whether you ...

Aww. Thanks Mike!

My apologies in advance for the late notification about this. I just got dates this week and I need to get my lineup booked in the next week so I can put flyers together and start promoting.

Bring on the fe-maleness.

All Female Improvisational Groups Wanted!

The Houston Improv Festival is looking for all female improvisational theatre teams to perform in their upcoming Fem-Prov show on Saturday, October 20th. Note that this performance is in Houston Texas (shocker) so you will need to be able to arrange transportation to the show from Austin if you are ...