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Re: 10pm Maestro - May 23rd

Not that I've signed up in forEVER, but I do read this in my RSS reader.

Re: Does Anybody Wanna Talk about Word Association?

I agree that patterns are awesome, but to play a bit of Devil's Advocate... They're restrictive and can be as alienating as word association, but in a different direction. For example, being unfamiliar with those publications, your example of a simple pattern was completely opaque to me. Or, perhaps ...

Re: February 22nd Maestro!

I'd love to play!

Maitland Lederer
Hideout Levels 1-6
Various Things and Stuff About Town


I'd love to get Fancy!

Maitland Lederer
Hideout Levels 1-6
ImprovBoston Levels 1-5
Some Maestros and one Fancy Pantsy

Re: Maestro - Jan 11th

I'd love to play or tech.

Maitland Lederer
Hideout, Levels 1-6, Musical Improv Level 1
ImprovBoston, Levels 1-5, Harold Level 1
Various stuff and things about town

Re: Made up gossip

Chris_Sebilia wrote:Ryan Hill looks young because he sleeps in a mask of penguine jelly and meteorite dust
I heard he keeps a secret penguin farm in an underground bunker for just this purpose. And of course, he guards the recipe like a hawk. I've been after it for years. It's the main reason I moved to Austin.

Re: This guy needs a scene partner

Swimming pools are an underutilized venue for improv.

Re: Maestro! Dec 14th!

I told myself that I was going to take December off from improv, but then Jon Bolden convinced me that I might be Ayn Rand reincarnated. I'd love to play in Maestro this week (or tech)!

Re: Improv in SF?

Check out the Un-Scripted Theater Company and say hi to the Holman-Kurskys for me!

Re: Wafflefest volunteers!

Jessica! I would be delighted to take a shift or two doing anything on Friday. Of note, I have not tech-ed at the Hideout before, though I'd be happy to learn.

Maitland Lederer
androidqueen AT gmail DOT com

Re: F*&! Shit Up! - Maestro Nov 2nd

I'd love to play again this week if there's space!

Maitland Lederer
Hideout Graduate
Various Stuff


I'd love to play (very quietly)!

Name: Maitland Lederer
Experience: Hideout, 1-6; ImprovBoston 1-5; Indy Movies, MotherF*&^ing Action Heroes, BeauMoMa
Costume: Mime

Battleground Texas

Hello party people-

There are a lot of politically inclined folks in this group. Is anybody affiliated with Battleground Texas? My brother is applying for a job there, and if anybody has any advice, I'd love to pass it on.


Re: Dealing with a belligerent audience

I don't want to put words into Melissa's mouth, but I didn't get the impression that it was entire crowds -- just a few bad apples ruining it for everyone. I do agree with you, though, that this should be handled by the house manager.

Re: Dealing with a belligerent audience

Melissa, am I mistaken in thinking that these things are actually happening in theaters, rather than bars? If so, I would talk to the theater management about admitting loud and/or belligerent patrons, or being more aggressive about booting them. Certainly, there will always be edge cases and ...