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Casting Hidden Dragons troupe

Audition call for show on Sat 6/7 10pm. Looking for an ensemble of diverse performers with diverse skills. Improv in all forms (scenework, contact, etc.) experience a big plus. Expect high-energy with a lot of physicality, like children high on sugar. Expect to lift others and be lifted. Expect to ...

Call for LuckyChaos

These are not improv shows per say but will heavily utilized improv elements. Read on :lol:

Lucky Chaos Theater Projects is casting for multiple shows in 2013. All shows will have an Asian flair but all ethnicities are encouraged to participate. Please specify if you have improv training or ...

Oh, I'll bring coffee (from Austin Java or something)

I'm so new I don't even know what the hell Jordan's talking about, love notes and all. I'm SO PSYCHED to attend this year's potluck!!!!

count me in. I'll bring food, lots of it.

Need moving boxes

If you have a bunch lying around in good condition and you want to see them reused, pls let me know. Thank you!

I'm there

Supporting you all the way, find a therapist

FInding a therapist can be daunting because seriously, not all therapists are created the same. And you may have to go through a few that iritates the hell out of you, but once you find one, and you WILL find one that you can connect with, the world will open up to you. You will realize there are ...


will ask around for ya

hi Amber! Will ask around for you. Do you care which part of town you are in?

play please

I'd like to play, please ****brighteyed, bushytailed****

I would like to play, please. I've got a wedding gown dying to see some action.

I echo what's been said about doing a demo, and also having an agent. After those 2 basics, network, network, network. As a (sometimes) working actress in Austin for past 3 years, my most steady paychecks come from industrial work. These are corporate-related work such as internal training videos ...

Me! Me! Me!