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If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free dummy.
My first experience with Deep Thoughts and still a sentimental favorite...



A stout viking warrior, helmet and/or eyebrows obscuring his eyes, big bulbous nose, and a big toothy grin with only a smattering of teeth, holding up a tankard of ale towards the viewer. The tankard is likely an heirloom, as it's decorated with gold leaf, and likely used alot, as it's dented. "ORF ...

Sweet! Ya'll can expect to see me there!

weekend of May 10-12?

Hey guys...I'm coming into town next weekend with my girlfriend, who has never been to Austin and never seen live improv before...

Can anyone fill me in on what troupes/shows are happening at the TNA and Friday Night Double-Barrel?

I would appreciate it immensely...

For the win:

"Remember that summer a few years back? You know, that summer when all that stuff happened? Yeah, I still kind of remember that..."

Also wins for longest title...

It's been done!

Curses!!! Foiled again!!!

How about:

"Highlander 5: There Should Be Only One!"

For the win:

"Remember that summer a few years back? You know, that summer when all that stuff happened? Yeah, I still kind of remember that..."

Also wins for longest title...

Rock on!

Were you able to get in touch with them?

You might look in to Cricket City Improv at TAMU-Commerce...dunno what condition that troupe is in lately, but here is some contact info...

EDIT: Useless Trivia:

Guillermo DeLeon of the Latino Comedy Project was a former ...

Re: converting usernames into actual names

Roy Janik wrote: the_orf: Orf
Nice... :D

I like this...

A "Nadine" is equal parts vodka, rum, and cranberry juice...


The Watchmen ftw

and I would like to point out that Texas A&M-Corpus Christi made a very impressive showing against #2 Wisconsin...

Not bad for their first year of conference play...

(even though they lost... :( )