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Paid - Tech help Thursday night

Hello! I am in the sketch group There's Waldo - and we need help with tech on Thursday night. The show is at 10pm and we are the first group on. We would ask that you get there at 9:30 just to go over everything.

We have a very simple to read cue sheet.

We would pay you $20!

We also have a video ...

I would love to get fancy!

What. is. up.

My name is Sara Osburn - and I have been taking improv over at The Institution with Tom and Asaf! I am in Asaf's masters class right now. Yay!

Having so much fun learning...and meeting so many fun people in Austin!

During the day/morning I am a radio personality/dj...I am the girl on The JB ...

I will put my name in - I am in Asaf's masters class over at the Institution. ...and I am a girl.