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Austin Roasters Club will be roasting Randy "Huey" Houston this month at Cafe Caffeine. Should be a hoot. The roasters are tough, ultimately generous and respectful, bot only after having been really tough. Always hilarious, too much drinking, secret-revealing, surprisefest.

My roast was ...

Beautiful work ya'll, those videos and characters rock! OMG Aden aroused my homosexual side, which is so confusing.

OMG we had a wild show. I breastfed Owen, we sang an opera, we did a modern dance, we created a game, we skewered some notorious Austinites, Jodi amazed all the people that had forgotten what a ninja she is. Scott Chester made us laugh our asses off. It was a relief to find out that the audience ...

hello johnny eat johnny!

930 tonight is The Owen, Les Jodi, and sometimes Megan Show

I wish you were playing with us. Maybe a next one, after you guys finish Jerzey Shorez.

630. I may back the remaining classes off til 7 if the students need it.

I hope to teach some biz ones and single classes on themes later. If you ever want to do one with me b my guest Andy. Wish me luck!

Les McGehee's Improv classes start Tues

I'm teaching a 6-week series at Cafe Caffeine that starts this Tues. AIC players are invited and can Pay What they Want. Experienced improvisers can learn more about games, big energy commitments, playfulness, and the particular brand of basics that have gotten me through 30 years of professional ...

The Owen, Les, Jodi, and sometimes Megan Show! 1/30 sat.

the playfulness that is us will be for you, Saturday night. FB - ... 5941700879

Happy weekend improvisers![/url]

contact for les and cafe caffeine

thanks for your notes, please contact me offline at and we'll talk dates!

contact for les and cafe caffeine

excellent! Thanks for your responses guys. I'd love to chat about it and set up dates. If you want to contact me offline please use

This is really exciting for me to see your groups. I don't get around enough to see them elsewhere, we all have weekend shows!

I'm not getting ...

Kudos, and long center improv history

Wayne and you hideout guys did a great job with that article. And the entire week, I've heard so many great things about it, really sorry I had to miss it. I think you did a great thing for our community by making such an excellent week out of it.

Definitely one of the biggest local improv events ...

Gnap = Gnu theatre. Crap I'm stupid.

OK, only use the first sentence...

yay Shannon

666 responses...

It is soooo creepy cool that this topic sat all weekend with "666" beside it. So Losty.

showtimes avail at cafe caffeine/comedysportz

Cafe Caffeine is booking some one and two-group shows throughout the spring, on select Fridays and Saturdays at 930. Some groups that have used these timeslots with us are Austin Roasters Club, Twinprov, Owen Egerton, Mary Jo Pehl, Mocha Jean, Sock Treatment, New Movement, Dan French. Maybe you ...


You're doing fine work David my boy. Now go clean your room.