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Thanks Madeline! look forward to it!=)


Hi! Thanks so much Chris and Sara! I am pretty new to the scene...all of your recommendations have been super helpful already! Sara- I am going to the free Gnap! improv class on Jan. 7 and the Gnap! Audition Mixer on the 10th. Very very excited!!!! Puppet Improv is one of the most delightful things ...

Thank you!

I didnt get a notice for a show!

Hey I didnt get a notice on a maestro show even though I checked it literally over and over. I got the notice after it was too late! What did I do wrong?



Hi Chris (Ceej) Thanks I have just posted my introduction! I needed some help navigating =/


I should introduce myself.

Hi I'm Liz Bigger. I am from New Orleans, La. I graduated from Northwestern State with a degree Theatre
with a concentration in Performance and Directing;May 2009. I moved to Austin in august. I have an internship at Salvage Vanguard Theater under direction of Jenny Larson.
My improv experience ...


I can surely play and want to very much...last time I didn't see the list and missed it!!=( I don't know who Chris is and I am pretty sure that's a good enough reason to play too. puleaze.


I tried checking this to see if I made the list but I didn't -or couldn't see anything posted...and didn't get notified...wish I could have been there...would never have missed it otherwise.


I would most definitely love to play very much so. This is me...signing up! I'll wear a christmas sweater!

Hooray...puppets are way cool.

Thank you Justin!

I didn't know if we could stay and watch or what the hell I was supposed to do. I wanted to thank Roy and Kristen. Thank you so much. I had just about the best time ever and I can't wait to do it again. Next I will stay until close=). Love you guys (and gals).


I'd like to play too!

Fun! Fun!

I had so much fun tonight guys!!! Thank you all for welcoming me so sweetly! I can't wait to do it again!!!!



Will there be a list posted of who's playing saturday?