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Re: Abusive Relationships


**Enrolling** PATTERNS & Pavlov's Conditioned Response

What's the difference between narrative & patterns?

Narrative ASSUMES an outcome by way of structure.

Patterns ALLOWS flexiblity by way of freeing oneself of any outcome.

This is the teaching Jesse credits most for his success. By freeing oneself from a desired outcome or structure, the player ...

**Enrolling** Advanced Spiritual Straight / Absurd

What are the building blocks of belief?

How can new markets be created to confront the problem in society known as Satanic Inversion. Or what the Freemasons refer to as "The Finished Work?"

Jesse Spots, a videographer, has a few ideas on how to quickly educate a diverse group of youtube producers ...

**Now Enrolling** Michael Aquino Screenwriting Class

We will be using the works of CIA's "Mr. Psyop" to examine the relationships of characters & their use of language in the Star Wars universe.

Session Number 2 might include Michael's version of Indiana Jones inspired fiction, & we will ultimately discuss interdimensional time travelling lizards ...


Flat Earth Movement is cross-pollonating with this community, the Talmud, and any person who doesn't comply with FUN & JOY.

Wear your YES ANDs and make sure you reserve your spot here!!!!!!!

Jesse Spots will be your instructor for an evening of comedy and antics you won't soon forget!!!

Re: An extremely short history of the Austin Improv Forums


Coming for all the frauds.

Re: A Taxonomy of Laughter

This Taxonomy will now be remembered as "Thank Heavens I developed my own personal Bullshit Detector"


Re: Game?

It definitely helps.

Premise-based is accurate because (in my view) the other person has to embrace something before a game is present.

It's going to be super-mega confusing, but we can confidently say that all games are discovered organically.

Thanks for setting me straight on that one.

Re: Game?

Players knowing what the game is at the top of the scene only applies to one format.

The Armando.

There's room for the game to be tight or loose here. I come onstage with you and have to "figure out" what your idea is.

You could argue that this also applies to later scenes of a Harold or Montage ...

Re: Any long form classes NOT on Mon/Tues?

Now that we got to the bottom of your request, I'll just repeat this oversimplied truism that hopefully makes sense of these terms:

Finding the scene in the game.

(Starting with digital rules and filling in this game with the analog delivery.)

Finding the game in the scene ...

Re: Game?

It's just weight, Jill. How much emphasis does UCB curriculum give The Game?

Re: Game?

Thanks Kareem. That's the one.

Re: Game?

At New Movement, game refers to the players training themselves to truly listen and get on the same page what the scene is about.

In the last scene the Game was, "the world shits on Dave and it gets worse and worse for him."

Game is the larger frame in which we choose patterns and heighten.

I don ...

Re: Game?

I don't think they are important.

Re: Game?

The game varies from school to school.

You asked about the distinction and I'm going to dissappoint you by postponing an overall list of what everyone believes. UCB is unique for a particular reason.

The UCB philosophy on the Game, particularly Matt Besser's views, are the most structured that I ...