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Re: All-Star Maestro! Friday, August 30th!

How do you know if you are in the All Star OOB Maestro?

Re: User Name Change Requests

joshgill > jkg79


Re: AMA: Ask Me Anything!

Josh, I'm thinking a lot about crossroads lately because of the show I'm working on, so what crossroad from your own life comes to mind that you often wondered "what would have happened if"?

Well, there's a lot, but there's one in particular that could have really changed my life. I was a pretty ...

Re: AMA: Ask Me Anything!

Now, turn-about is fair play. I know that you are from the Ukraine, but that's about all I know. What brought you to the United States, what do you remember from living in the Ukraine, do you ever go back? Dish!

I just realized that you are Kevin and not Alex. Woops! If Alex sees this, he should ...

Re: AMA: Ask Me Anything!

Josh: I don't know anything about how you and Lisa met, I'm specifically wondering how much improv performance had to do with you developing a relationship with her. Did you meet through improv? Or join it afterwards? When and how did you start performing together?

HEY! Well, Alex, I moved to ...

Re: Out of Print Literary Magazine taking Submissions NOW!

Terry wrote:Is this happening this year? Is there a 2013 thread I missed?
I don't believe it is, Terry.

Re: Why's your troupe called that?

CORRECTION: Your Dad's Friends members had been doing improv in AUSTIN before anyone in You're Not My Real Dad... (always proofread before sending!!!)
Do you mean that they were doing improv as Your Dad's Friends before You're Not My Real Dad formed? Not that it really matters who got to what name ...

Re: Why's your troupe called that?

Galactic started life as Battlestar Gillacktucka. The original concept for the troupe was that each show would have a sci fi element. I believe I was watching BG at the time, but we respelled Galactica to include parts of both Lisa's and my own last name. Gill [J]ack, and the tucka which was an ...

Re: Why's your troupe called that?

happywaffle wrote:Any idea where the name "Oh, Science!" actually came from?
I believe that Oh, Science! was Kristin's idea. I think it's just exactly what it sounds like, invoking science. I still think we should be called The Masons. :D

Re: Why's your troupe called that?

Oh, Science was born out of a Google spreadsheet of well over 200 possible names. We all got together in a room with some pizza, and basically narrowed it down, then went through a voting/vetoing process until we narrowed it down to Oh, Science! (with the proper punctuation. I still think we should ...

Re: Titles of Rejected Workshop

You're the funny one: Taking over a show for the good of the group.

Re: AMA: Ask Me Anything!

Kevin, what took you away from improv for so long, and what brought you back. How did you satisfy your creative urge while you were away?

Ten bucks says Bolden somehow knew that Chris Gethard had a Google alert on his name.

Tom Booker in Confidence Men's Hover/Holo-Show at SXSW


TOday is the dayo

Hey Out of Bounders!

Today!, August 6, is the deadline! Get your Out of Print submissions in now. Anything funny, essays, stories, poems, lists, correspondence, drawings, cartoons.

Prose should be 1000 words or less. Drawings should fit 6 7/8" by 4 3/8".

Send in .doc or .pdf to ooboutofprint ...