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Re: The Voice Auditions

They passed on me... twice.

I Need Help

Please help guys, I'm one of your fellow improvisors. and I need help. My bank account is in its negatives now with no way of changing it except this way. Please pass it along as well.

Re: Selling DVDs

That's actually the plan. I just thought I'd give my friends a crack at them first.

Re: Selling DVDs

Still have these available.

Selling Books

Okay here is the list of books I'm selling. They're going for $3.00 a piece unless otherwise stated. Some of the books are worth a bit more so I'm asking more for them.

Knowing the Score
Film School Confidential
The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters
An Askew View
Story by ...

Selling DVDs

Friends, I'm selling some items to help decrease my storage footprint. I'm beginning with my DVDs.
Individual movies are $2.00, movie box sets are $5.00, and TV box sets are $7.00.

Spielberg films:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind - The Collector's Edition
Indian Jones Box set (does not ...

Re: Hey There Austin!

Welcome to our lovely community.

Brently Heilbron teaches a standup for improvisers class you might be interested in. - This is his 101 class - This is his 102 class ...

Re: 10pm Maestro - August 23rd

I would like to play. It's my birthday weekend.

I've been playing... awhile.

Favorite warm-up is Bunny, Bunny.

Re: Musical Improv Troupe Auditions

Oh and Asaf Ronen is going to be our coach. If you know Asaf, then you know he knows his musicals.

Re: Auditions for Semi-Improvised Musical

Damn, I really need to switch my schedule so I have Sundays off. I wanted to audition for one of the demons. :(

Re: *waves!*

So happy you're here, Lindsey. Nice to have another tech amongst us.

Musical Improv Troupe Auditions

A new musical improv troupe is looking for male members and a musician. Sorry ladies we already have plenty of women.
The musical improv troupe currently consists of Chelley Pyatt, Alli Huston, Betsy Crom, and Tatiana Panovich.
We came out of musical improv classes at Merlin Works. Felt we had ...

Re: March 21st FANCY PANTS!

I'd like to play.

Chelley Pyatt
Hideout 1-5,
Institution Theater 1-5,
Merlin Works, Improvised Singing 1-3

Re: Maestro - March 1st

I want to play!!!

Re: V-Day Maestro - SINGLES ONLY

I actually forgot about plans I'd already made. Must bow out this week.