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Re: Why don't more people like improv?

Nice conversation starter....

My only comment is 5 training centers, but how many classes per week are those centers doing and how full are the classes? I think that number has been rising, but also, no hard data. Related - the Hideout and Coldtowne both added additional training/rehearsal ...

Re: Live, dammit

I got my RSS reader at the ready if it comes back to life

Re: 10pm Maestro - May 31st

I'd love to get back in.
Currently in Improvised Singing 301 at Merlin Works and Beyond Naked Comedy...

Hideout levels 1-5
Institution levels 1-4
Merlin Works levels 1-5

I can do tech (though haven't in the downstairs theater in a long time), but I won't be available next week (could be ...

Re: Spaztique returns...

I was impressed by your changes prior to your disappearance. You definitely inspired my tech'ing. Kudos for introspecting and improving. I think we should all strive to do the same and I know I do try (though maybe at a more glacial scale).


I'm in!

Someone page Patti Styles. I took her OOB workshop and she demonstrated dealing with the newbie (or at least uncooperative) improviser. I was amazed at the examples she dealt with in jedi-like fashion. But I was too new to write things down or properly remember them. But it was amazing....


Half I eat right away, half I dry for the trail.

I'll take panda, but what does it mean if I killed my spirit animal?

backups: Monkey, hippo, maine coon cat.


Oh, that was beautiful.

I bought a showdown pass and loved every minute of it.

Thanks Brad and Thank You Shannon!

Personal and work events make me need to back out also :cry:


My doctor gave me a prescription that says I need this. [EDIT - too much work and other issues so I won't be available + added new drop out post]


Professor Lazarus would have been my cat's name before he died (ABD).

Throwing my pants in


I'd like to get fancy, I got me a new bow tie....

There will probably be other pieces of fancy clothing also.


Whooo! Kevin! And I'm available! And it's not SXSW anymore!
