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What the hell, let's swing.

Jared Stepp

ColdTowne Grad
ComedySports Grad

I'm down for fancypantstown.

Jared Stepp
ColdTowne Grad/ComedySportz Grad
ColdTowne represent! (insert gang sign)

My name is Jared Stepp and I am available for this show.

Coldtowne Grad
ComedySportz (Milwaukee)

Jared Stepp would like to play. It'd be my first. Make me a lucky ducky!

Jared Stepp is available to play in his first Maestro this weekend, if you'll have me.

A database of headshots is key for filmmakers to access. It is tedious holding a cattle call or just posting up on the forums hoping people will show up for more than free water and nutragrain bars.

We had an analog system back in film school which was clumsy but very useful in narrowing our ...

That was my first GGG experience and you gals are great!

Awesome show by all!

Awesome. This show's gonna knock your socks off your ass!

Me, Jared Stepp, is most definitely interested.

I'm interested.


My Two Dads beats The Last Detail (aka The Glamping Trip).

"Karma? That ain't nothing but some Hoo Doo magic."

-Chris Baldenhofer

Playing a Southern Plumber in the 'Baldenholder' show 02/01/10

Happy Anni guys. I'm "in like" with you all!

Is syrup and butter included or do we need to bring our own?