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I've seen that episode - definitely one of my favorite live TV moments.

I'll bring some sort of vegetarian appetizer - I'm not sure what yet, so we'll all be surprised!

I'm feeling like a new man & would very much like to play!

Sounds fun! I'd like to play.

I would also like to play!

Maestro directed by "the" Roy Janik? I wish I could play, but my movie is premiering at AFF on Saturday (so I will - naturally - be attending that). You guys have fun!

I'd very much like to play.

Sorry I missed you guys tonight! Best laid plans...

I'd like to play.

Welcome back! I'll be there. I've really been itching to do some status work if you're up for it.

Andy & Roy suggested I throw my hat in the ring - if you need me, I'd very much like to play.

Damn! The first time I miss a jam in the past couple of months! Wish I could be there - sounds like fun!

My attorney says I'm not at liberty to discuss it. ;-)

Hi Shana!

It was good to meet you last night.

I most definitely will be attending.

Sounds like great fun!

Back into improv

Hello everyone,

My name is Luke Hill. I first started studying improv with Les and Owen at National Comedy Theater many years ago. I was away from it for quite a while, though my passion for it never waned, and have just recently been able to get started again.

I've been going to the Tuesday jams ...