Msg. from the Cage Match Commissioner
Congrats again to Lady Forms for being crowned Cage Match:Slash of the Talons champions a few weeks ago. The current tournament:Feud of Fury is well underway and that means it's time to register for the next round.
The Cage Match committee is now looking for submissions for the next tournament:War Forms of Dangerous Curves starting September 12th 2009.
Deadline for submission: Aug 18th.
All shows will be Saturdays at 9:00p @ Coldtowne Theater. 2 teams per night- 20 minutes a piece. Teams will warm up in the parking lot, as Stool Pigeon will still run from 8:00-9:00p.
Please take a look and indicate what dates your troupe is available for.
Note that there is also an Exhibition Matches this round. (This means two teams will be selected to play only one show.) If you feel your troupe cannot commit to the full tournament schedule you may request an exhibition only match.
Sept 12th: 1 vs 8
Sept 19th: 4 vs 5
Sept 26th: 3 vs 6
Oct 3rd: 2 vs 7
Oct 10th: 1/8 vs 4/5
Oct 17th: 3/6 vs/ 2/7
Oct 24th: Championship
Oct 31st: Exhibition
To register for the Cage Match, ONE member of your team must submit ALL of the following information to me via EMAIL (mjameswilliams AT with the Subject Line: war forms of dangerous curves. Again please email me at with all required information.
Team Name:
List of Members:
Description of Format/Style:
Publicity Blurb (short):
Hype Blurb (no limit!):
Team captian phone number:
Also, to keep in mind if selected to be in this tournament,
Each troupe will need to design a troupe logo. Each troupe may also submit a short video to be played during their introduction. Do not worry about this step right now, just get those applications in!!
Again--Deadline: August 18th!!!
Thank You
Cage Match Commissioner
Registering for next round of Cage Match! Deadline Aug. 18th
Listings of upcoming shows, classes, and other events.
Moderators: arclight, happywaffle, bradisntclever